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Blog October 8, 2019

Hello! And, Welcome to GYANT

If you’re just joining us, GYANT is the first AI-physician care solution. Our team of providers and machine learning experts develop asynchronous virtual healthcare solutions to change the industry as we know it. In short, we help providers prescribe for and treat the most common, non-urgent illnesses.

With GYANT, the experience is started by collecting a detailed patient history through our AI. From here, providers review the case and engage with patients to provide a final diagnosis and to set a treatment plan. The experience is continued with AI follow-ups to reinforce post-discharge instructions and continue data collection.

We incorporate the best of AI technology and provider interaction to get patients the most appropriate level of care — whether that’s the comfort of knowing what your symptoms mean or getting them the medicine you need to feel better. Ultimately, GYANT makes treatment faster, more effective and more delightful. Our purpose is to transform healthcare from the outside in — to create a new care standard for everyone. To make that a reality, we need people like you to help us shape the future of virtual care.

Need some perspective?

Today’s care experience leaves a lot to be desired, for patients and physicians. We’re living in a world where emergency utilization is on the rise, provider burnout is a major issue, and nearly half of millennials don’t have a primary care physician.

Over the past year, we’ve been working closely with providers, payers, and employers, listening to the challenges and opportunities they face on a daily basis. A lot of topics came up… Some of you mentioned increasing the focus on patient satisfaction and convenience as a top concern in your field, while others are fascinated by the new ways that technology is evoking empathy and engagement with patients. Others, simply, are interested in seeing industry case studies that improve access to or reduce costs associated with care.

What’s to come

We built this blog with you in mind. As GYANT continues to grow, we want to be a resource, a place where you can come to get a different perspective on the industry, the latest in healthcare innovation, and where virtual care is headed. We’ll be sharing more about what we’re hearing and seeing in the healthcare community along the way.

— Team GYANT

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